Care Coordination Policy and Evidence: A Compendium of MED Reports, 2017–2022
The Medicaid Evidence-based Decisions Project (MED) has published a number of reports related to care coordination, including reports focused on care management, comprehensive care, and integrated care. This compendium provides state Medicaid policymakers with a high-level synthesis of these report findings published on the MED Clearinghouse from 2017–2022, with links to the original reports. The reports we reviewed cover a range of delivery models for care coordination, and explore approaches to beneficiary identification and engagement, payment and financing of care coordination, and evaluation of services and programs. Staff from the Center analyzed these reports and captured cross-cutting themes and actionable takeaways. The links in this report lead to a clearinghouse of documents for participating MED members. If your state is a member of MED and you do not have access to the clearinghouse, please contact