
Senior couple smile at each other while jogging in a wooded area.

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In 2020, Alabama Medicaid was in the process of reevaluating care plan development for their Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHNs). As part of this work, ACHN Care Coordinators needed to create person-centered care plans for eligible individuals, and Alabama Medicaid staff wanted to emphasize the importance of using evidence to develop the highest-quality plans possible.

With a focus on chronic care, Center staff led a workshop to assist care coordination staff in identifying and using high-quality evidence to develop care plans, including teaching about how to assess evidence. After the workshop, Alabama Medicaid staff implemented several specific actions around using evidence in practice, including reviewing additional publications and research articles to identify strategies relevant to the populations they serve. Workshop participants reported that the training reinforced the need for continuous research on evidence-informed care planning.

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