Evidence-based Health Policy Innovation Award

This Award recognizes a team or State official for using evidence to innovate and achieve improvements for their State populations.

2024 Timeline

  • Present award criteria and application form at MED and DERP spring conferences (MED: May 7th DERP: May 1st)
  • Award applications due back to the Center by July 31st. The Center will assign a Policy Analyst to each application to help the state submit a topic.
  • Award application review and decision made by Center Leadership Team by August 23rd, 2024
  • All states submitting an application will be notified of the winning/nonwinning decision by September 2nd, 2024
  • Award presented at MED and DERP fall conferences (October 14th, 2024)

You can find information on the previous years’ winner here.

Submit your information here to apply for this Award!

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