Systematically Testing the Evidence on Marijuana

Mature African American woman in pink vest walks through a wooded area.

The Center collaborates with the US Veterans Affairs, Office of Rural Health on the Systematically Testing the Evidence on Marijuana (STEM) project. STEM is designed to build an evidence-based resource for comprehensive, independent, up-to-date, user-friendly, and unbiased information on the benefits and harms of cannabis use. The long-term goals are focused on providing foresight to both clinicians and patients. In particular to:

  • Empower clinicians to have evidence-based discussions about cannabis use with their patients;
  • Provide an educational resource for patients; and
  • Promote high-value, patient-centered research on cannabis.

STEM provides clinicians, researchers, patients, and the public with information on the benefits and harms of cannabis use, as well as identifying and sharing information about ongoing studies and existing gaps in evidence. STEM resources are available as a website with collections for medical professionals, researchers, and the public. STEM uses evidence synthesis methods to characterize what is known about the health effects of cannabis across topics such as chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, and cannabis use during pregnancy.

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