Drug Effectiveness Review Project

Female doctor in black rim glasses explains prescription to a patient.

The Drug Effectiveness Review Project (DERP) is a trailblazing collaborative of state Medicaid and public pharmacy programs that produces concise, comparative, evidence-based research products to assist policymakers and other decision makers grappling with difficult drug coverage decisions.

Nationally recognized for its clinical objectivity and high-quality research, DERP focuses on specialty and other high-impact drugs — particularly those that have potential to change clinical practice. DERP reports evaluate the efficacy, effectiveness, and safety of pharmaceuticals to help states improve patient safety and quality of care while helping contain costs for exploding new therapies. Contact us to participate or learn more.

Join DERP and find objective resources for better health outcomes.

High-Quality Evidence

DERP offers the best available clinical evidence for making policy decisions related to pharmaceuticals. DERP reports compare the effectiveness of drugs within a therapeutic class, highlight safety issues, and assist public pharmacy programs to enact policies that help increase the quality of patient care. The reports include:

  • A comprehensive search of the global evidence
  • An objective appraisal of the quality of the studies found
  • A thorough synthesis of available high-quality evidence

Policymakers participating in DERP use the reports to make informed policy decisions that save money and improve patient outcomes.

Influence-Free Governance

DERP is a self-governed national forum available to public agencies. It uses a collaborative model and provides objective research on drug effectiveness to bring evidence to drug policy decisions. Independent, objective DERP reports deliver research conducted by investigators who have no financial or other conflicts of interest in the pharmaceuticals they study.

Improved Drug Safety and Efficacy

DERP reports include up-to-date clinical evidence on adverse events and safety information of the drugs reviewed, and often have highlighted risks associated with the drugs studied before other sources. The reports are used by DERP members to develop prior authorization and drug utilization management policies, and to develop practice guidelines and provider education products to manage drugs that often have substantial off-label use.

“We consider MED and DERP an essential resource for non-biased clinical information.”

Mark Roaseau
Clinical Pharmacist/Physician, Missouri HealthNet